Ensuring a smooth handover between Trustees20/03/2023
Appointed as both Trustee and Scheme Secretary when a US-based Principal Employer closed all UK sites.
Convergence of Buy-in & Run-off Strategies01/03/2023
No matter what the long term objective there is anticipated convergence in strategic risk and asset allocation as schemes seek to stabilise funding improvements.
£350m buy-in completes!28/02/2023
Completion of a £350m bulk purchase annuity (BPA) buy-in transaction.
2023 : The Year of Reflective Calibration20/02/2023
Extraordinary events presented significant challenges for investors in 2022.
UK DB schemes in a risk transfer sweet spot04/02/2023
Akash discusses the impact of the Russia-Ukraine crisis on the risk settlement market.
Recruitment challenges leave large employers gap06/12/2022
In-house pensions managers are a crucial but often overlooked role within a company.
Managing communication around PPF transition05/12/2022
We engaged both communication and media advisers in advance of a Regulatory Announcement of the Scheme entering the PPF.
IGG secures trio of strategic hires21/11/2022
Three new hires join Ross Trustees.
Independent Governance Group ("IGG") is the trading name of Ross Trustees Services Limited (07904277), Independent Trustee Services Limited (02567540), Independent Trustee Limited (02473669), Clarity Trustees Limited (12470917), Leadenhall Independent Trustees Limited (02303944) all registered in England and Wales. Registered office address: Westgate House, 9 Holborn, London EC1N 2LL. IC Select Limited (SC331180). Registered office address: DWF LLP, 103 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 7BW.
© 2024 Ensco 1375 Limited, Ross Trustees Services Limited & Independent Trustee Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.
We are audited annually as set out in the Relevant Trustee Supplement to ICAEW AAF 02/07 to support our inclusion in the TPR’s Independent Trustee Register.