Large employers looking to outsource scheme management24/10/2022
Research among senior business leaders suggests a shift away from in-house management of schemes
Market reaction to UK fiscal event: our thoughts26/09/2022
What steps should trustees be taking in the face of volatility?
A trustee board with a conflict of interest06/09/2022
Conflicts, actual and potential, will always remain but by actively managing these, the Trustees are clear about what they are, and how they can be best managed.
Implementing a framework for scheme governance02/09/2022
Working proactively with a new Chair of the sub-committees to provide valuable guidance, and drive robust scheme governance.
Managing a full scheme buy-in as corporate sole trustee25/08/2022
We completed the Scheme’s phased buy-in journey in just under 3 years.
Scheme governance15/08/2022
We worked with the trustee board to improve their scheme governance in order to make it robust and fit for purpose.
Improving employee communication06/08/2022
We sat down with the scheme administrators and over the course of six months developed a bespoke web portal.
Difficult valuation exercise20/07/2022
Helping with the challenges of running a DB Scheme
Independent Governance Group ("IGG") is the trading name of Ross Trustees Services Limited (07904277), Independent Trustee Services Limited (02567540), Independent Trustee Limited (02473669), Clarity Trustees Limited (12470917), Leadenhall Independent Trustees Limited (02303944) all registered in England and Wales. Registered office address: Westgate House, 9 Holborn, London EC1N 2LL. IC Select Limited (SC331180). Registered office address: DWF LLP, 103 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 7BW.
© 2024 Ensco 1375 Limited, Ross Trustees Services Limited & Independent Trustee Services Limited. All Rights Reserved.
We are audited annually as set out in the Relevant Trustee Supplement to ICAEW AAF 02/07 to support our inclusion in the TPR’s Independent Trustee Register.